Your cakes will have 1 months shelf life in the fridge.
They can be frozen for up to 12 months and still have a months shelf life after they defrost. Please do not refreeze once defrosted.
Take your cakes out of the film, run a knife lightly around the edge of the tray to separate the cake from the tray.
Then run the knife through the pre-made cuts to make sure the slices aren’t stuck together.
From here you can bend the tray and the easily pop out the slices.
Try to avoid touching the top of the cakes. this can leave fingerprints, even with gloves on. Try to grab the cakes from the side.
Avoid fluctuating temperatures as this can make the chocolate bloom. The cakes don’t need to be refrigerated for food safetyreasons but they do handle better when cold and stay fresher for longer.
At the end of the day, all cakes on display need to be covered up to keep them looking as fresh as possible, ready to be sold the following day.
Your cakes will have a shelf life of at least 7 days once on display.